HEROIN IN TAHITI: Death Surf (Boring Machines)

themilkman on Jan 7th 2012 01:38 pm

Heroin In Tahiti: Death Surf

Death Surf
Boring Machines 2012
08 Tracks. 41mins22secs

Death Surf is said to be inspired by ‘the classic Italian “spaghetti sound”’, but, rather than re-imagining Ennio Morricone, what Valerio Mattioli and Francesco Figuereido really investigate here is more akin to some sort of nuclear winter. Hailing from a poor suburb of Rome where they spent some time hanging around a local scene, the pair have each gone onto working on their own projects before joining forces as Heroin In Tahiti and recording their first opus together. Their compositions are served by ill guitars, dark hypnotic electronics and minimal rhythmic formations, which owe as much to the coldest strands of new wave as it does to Krautrock.

Death Surf is a sombre affair indeed. Continue Reading »

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