RENE HELL: Porcelain Opera (Type Recordings)

themilkman on May 20th 2010 01:22 am

Rene Hell: Porcelain Opera

Porcelain Opera
Type Recordings 2010
06 Tracks. 33mins58secs

Amazon UK: CD | LP | DLD US: CD | LP | DLD Boomkat: DLD

Sanctity and sleaze. That’s what seems to advertise the cover of Jeff Witscher’s latest venture, and in a way, it is what he delivers as he swaps the realm of noise which constitutes the bulk of his work for sparse synthetic textures and soundscapes reminiscent of Cluster and Harmonia on one side, and of early Tangerine Dream on the other. But, while he could easily be associated with the wave of Kosmische-obsessed acts that are currently pushing electronic music back onto its natural experimental track, Witscher’s take on the genre is distinctively modern, somehow bridging the gap between the German pioneers of the seventies, BBC Radiophonic Workshop oddities and the ambient electronica that has been in a constant mutating process over the last twenty years. Continue Reading »

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