MAMUTHONES: Mamuthones (Boring Machines)

themilkman on Feb 15th 2011 01:29 am

Mamuthones: Mamuthones

Boring Machines 2011
07 Tracks. 45mins45secs

Amazon UK: CD

Originally the solo project of Alessio Gastaldello, the former drummer with psyche-pop oddball formation Jennifer Gentle, Mamuthones has so far manifested itself through a collaborative album with Fabio Orsi on A Silent Place almost three years ago, and a solo album on Boring Machines in 2009. This third Mamuthones album sees Gastaldello joined by long term friend and Jennifer Gentle frontman Marco Fasolo and sixty-two year old drummer Maurizio Boldrin, an Italian drummer who has worked with numerous bands.

In many ways, Mamuthones sounds like a throwback of late eighties dark experimental ambient tinted with equally bleak streaks of darkwave, but the trio use this to set a particular tone and they continuously refine this approach, pulling deeper with each new song. Continue Reading »

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